Petites nouvelles du Last Best Ouest

by Pierrette Requier

Poèmes, portraits, récits se succèdent pour nous raconter ce Last Best Ouest mythique où a grandi l'auteure. Maniant une langue qui puise ses racines dans l'histoire des colons francophones venus s'installer dans le nord de l'Alberta au début du XXe siècle, Pierrette Requier nous entraîne dans un univers à la fois grandiose et simple. Tout au long des 90 « petites nouvelles » qui composent le recueil, on rit, on est touché, on vibre au rythme du temps qui passe, des enfants qui grandissent, des parents qui vieillissent. Mom, Dad, les mémères, les pépères... Comme si on y était.

This book is a companion to the English version.

SKU: 9782924237786 Categories: ,

$19.95 CAD

Additional information

Weight .16 kg
Dimensions 8 × 5.375 × .25 in
Page Count



Soft Cover

Year Published



la nouvelle plume

Pierrette Requier

Pierrette Requier, a long time member of the Stroll of Poets Society of Edmonton, facilitates the Wind Eye Poetry Seminars. For the last ten years, she has been involved in spoken word performances as a student and as a group facilitator. She has performed her poetry and monologues in both English and French in festivals and readings across Alberta, including Edmonton’s 2007 Word! Gala, Calgary’s 2008 Francophonétique, the Calgary International Spoken Word Festival and Edmonton’s Night of Artists as a member of Tangent Lines. She has been a participant in a French writing and performance group Les déesses de l’écriture since 2005. Her poetry has appeared on CBC’s Wild Rose country, in Legacy: Alberta’s Heritage MagazineOther Voices: Edmonton’s Journal of the Literary and Visual Arts, and in the anthology Writing the Land: Alberta Through its Poets.

Pierrette Requier wears the MaGarrigle sister’s ballet slippers rather than cork boots when she’s log rolling through the jams. She mixes French language bon mots and family chestnuts with English language in a Peace country memoir melange. Ms. Requier’s poems are primarily anecdotal or descriptive remembrances, and display the loving attention to language that western haibun poet/authors employ in reverence to Basho’s perennial classic travel diary Narrow Road to the Interior. Rich is a word I find myself reaching for, or sumptuous. Not in the sense of Rococo filigree or brittle marzipan, but in the sense of good country macrame´: knotted and beautifully homespun and functional:…This book has all the virtues of a compelling memoir; it’s firmly rooted in place and times; slowly an loving places the pointillist dots, draws the reader into the family circle, growing up rural French in north-central Alberta; clearly delineates the family dramas, sisterly secrets, adolescent fantasies, rites of passage.
~ Richard Stevenson

… the use of the present tense and exacting detail give these poems a hyper-realistic effect, such as you might experience when viewing cinéma-vérité or the paintings of Chuck Close …. It’s almost eerie how immediately the poet is able to place her reader within the living minutiae of her book’s private history. One thing that creates this verisimilitude is the naturalistic pacing of her writing; another, strangely enough, is a perfectly digestible amount of bilingualism. It lends a texture of specificity to the work, the unpredictable truths of the real world creeping in again, something that happens on multiple levels, creating layers of colour and credibility…”
~ Globe & Mail

Alberta’s Peace country, on the farm and into the intermingled lives of a huge family – these prose poems are wonderful places to be, the characters delightful to meet. The details bring forth a ring of truth. A family’s story is presented in the same fashion a great cook concocts a fine stew. Complicated, full of amazing ingredients from the home garden. Delicious.
~ Andy Michaelson

Pierrette’s work is about speaking from the margins – from the almost forgotten fringes of French on the northern prairies, and from the liminal lingual space where English and French talk to each other. Her poems come from these edges but speak to the heart.
~ Alice Major, Edmonton’s first Poet Laureate