Nouveau Griot

by Tanya Evanson

Nouveau Griot is the result of 20 years on stage and in studio. It is the text from four spoken word audio recordings made between 2004-2016: Invisible World, The Memorists, Language for Gods and ZENSHIP. This work is in the continuum of the griot, which is a french African word meaning “poet, singer and traveling musician [...] to whom supernatural powers are often attributed.”

SKU: 9781927823842 Category:

$19.95 CAD

Additional information

Weight .191 kg
Dimensions 9 × 6 × .25 in
Page Count



Soft Cover with flaps

Year Published


Tanya Evanson

Tanya Evanson is a Montreal poet, performer and director of Banff Centre Spoken Word. Her book of poetry Bothism is forthcoming from Ekstasis Editions in fall 2017 and Nouveau Griot from Frontenac House in 2018. She performs internationally and has released four audio recordings including the latest ZENSHIP (Mother Tongue Media 2016). Recent spoken word performances include The Banff Centre, Suoni per il Popolo, Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, Australia’s Story-Fest, Tasmanian Poetry Festival, Edinburgh Book Festival, Edinburgh Fringe Festival and Glastonbury Festival. Evanson is a past recipient of the Golden Beret Award and was Poet of Honour at the 2013 Canadian Festival of Spoken Word. She moonlights as a whirling dervish.