Plausible Wrong Answers (Downloadable PDF)

by Tyler B. Perry

Tyler Perry’s latest venture is a poetic dismantling of the high school multiple-choice reading comprehension test, in which he uses found text from standardized exams and government curricula as a springboard for linguistic creation. The poems are further enriched through the haunting visual artwork of Anna Navarro; Anna’s evocative drawings weave among Tyler’s poems, engaging with the language to reveal complex layers of meaning. The poems, drawings, and multiple-choice questions in this book invite readers to immerse themselves in a playful interactive experience, and to question your assumptions about poetry, reading, and standardized testing.

Short listed for the BPAA Book Illustration Award

If you want to order the physical book and receive this PDF for free, click HERE. 

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$9.95 CAD

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Tyler B. Perry

Tyler B. Perry is a Calgary poet and high school English teacher. He is one of the organizers of Can You Hear Me Now?, the Alberta provincial junior high and high school poetry slam, and has performed his poetry to audiences across Canada and as far away as Japan. He is the author of two previous collections of poetry: Lessons in Falling (B House Publications, 2010) and Belly Full of Rocks (Oolichan Books, 2016). He holds a MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia.

Anna Navarro is a Calgary illustrator and poet. She works at the intersection of visual art and language and enjoys experimenting with mixed media. She studies English at the University of Calgary and is an editor at NōD Magazine.

Bare Branches

     the last leaves
will fall: the final frayed strings
of an acoustic guitar

     echoes of notes lingering

the air will move more slowly
holding your thoughts
for just a moment longer
seducing them into nostalgia
before they

sweep away

from your

         hollow grasp

                         leaving you

with nothing

but enduring ache

a tuneless instrument

                                 growing frost